Understanding Minimally Invasive Dentistry

If you visit a dentist near 5th Ave to deal with your dental problems, they practice minimally invasive dentistry. This concept involves as few procedures as possible in order to preserve the structure as possible. Simply removing the diseased part of the tooth or gums is not the answer for these dentists and they will do the extra work to make sure it doesn’t come to that. Prevention, remineralization, and minimal intervention are three pillars of minimally invasive dentistry practices.

Ideally, a dentist will be able to keep as much of the tooth as possible. That means taking the time to go in and remove as little as they can, taking out only the diseased or infected parts of the tooth. Prevention as part of non-invasive dentistry is designed to avoid additional procedures in the future. This no-cut dental work will make your tooth as healthy as possible on it’s own. The more preventive work dentists are able to do now to preserve your teeth, the less they’ll have to do down the road.

This is the process of restoring minerals to dental structures using supplies like fluoride, and calcium. Fluoride lowers the levels of fluoride ions, which impacts the rate of cavity development. Fluoride gets incorporated into enamel apatite crystals forming even stronger structure that is more resistant to tooth demineralization and cavity forming. Topical fluoride can also provide antimicrobial action. This process can prevent tooth decay as well, which can cause painful dental problems if left untreated and eventually tooth loss.

Minimal dental intervention
Dental work today leans towards the removal of healthy tooth structure where there is no pathology present and in order to adhere and retain filling. No-cut dentistry means that dentist only adheres to tooth and does not necessarily remove any healthy tooth. That is possible in esthetic procedures or repairs of broken or chipped teeth.  In the event of a cavity, a dentist aims to take out as little as possible from your teeth and restring them back with minimally invasive intervention. Dentists are looking to restore the teeth, as opposed to remove or replace them. It might require move involved procedures because they are actually dealing with the specific part of an infected tooth structure as opposed to the entire tooth itself.

Make an appointment at a dental practice on Fifth Avenue

Dentists near 5th Ave are very dedicated to practicing minimally invasive dentistry. They believe that preventive dental care will take care of many future problems you may experience, and they will take the time to see what your teeth need and what the best procedure would be to accomplish that goal. They are very detail oriented and meticulous.  That type of care your teeth deserve as any interventions today will have long term effects and consequences in future. It’s not always as simple as just doing a root canal, especially when there is more of the tooth that can be saved.


  • 630 5th Avenue, Suite 1860
  • New York, NY 10111
  • (212) 765-7340
Manhattan Appointments Rockefeller Gallery


  • 196 Belle Meade Road, Suite 6
  • East Setauket, NY 11733
  • (631) 246-8080
Setauket Appointments Setauket Gallery