Minimally invasive or biomimetic dentistry focuses on maximum tooth preservation. Techniques used in biomimetic dentistry accomplish tooth restoration in a strong, conservative way. This method leads to more durable and attractive results.
Using adhesive methods, dentists are able to carefully seal the tooth against bacteria. In turn, this prevents deterioration and infection. These techniques remove the need for 60% to 90% of the crowns and root canals. This approach also reverses tooth decay through re-mineralization techniques.
What Is Wrong With Traditional Approach in Dentistry?
Traditional dentistry involves invasive procedures which cut away large amounts of tooth structure. This is done in order to place full coverage dental restorations such as crowns. The metals, alloys, and cement used in these procedures do not seal the tooth. Instead, they are destructive to its natural structure.
Unfortunately, this traditional approach is still taught as the standard of dental care. The traditional approach favors root canal treatment over Pulp Regenerative Therapy, otherwise known as a Pulp Cap. This is because of the difficulty and time involved in performing pulp therapy procedures.
The more invasive a procedure, the greater the risk of failure and complications. Root canals and posts weaken teeth, making them prone to fracture. Crowns can cause gum irritation. They are also at risk of cement wash out and decay formation underneath.
Large silver or unsealed white composite resin fillings lead to recurrent decay, as well as bulky fitting restorations. These do not mimic the natural shape of teeth. Instead, it leads to plaque buildup and tartar which causes gum disease (chronic inflammation and bone loss). These failures are costly, both financially and biologically.
The Difference With Minimally Invasive or Biomimetic Dentistry.
When restoring damaged, broken, and decayed teeth, the goal is to return the tooth to its original strength, function, and aesthetics. Teeth can be restored with the traditional approach or in a minimally invasive way that mimics, protects and preserves the tooth.
How Was Biomimetic Dentistry Developed?
The principles of biomimetic dentistry lay on a strong foundation of traditional operative dentistry. It was also built on an understanding of science, dental anatomy, tooth structure, and careful diagnosis. With the development of adhesive materials, we are able to do more with less.
These principles were developed by researchers at universities in Japan, Sweden, Switzerland. Strong understanding of science and academic background allowed us to further build on those principles. We have been practicing biomimetic techniques with a minimally invasive approach for more than a decade and have seen much improvement in the dental health of our patients.